Raul Miller wrote:

On Wed, May 21, 2003 at 09:57:13PM +1200, Nick Phillips wrote:
I don't believe that it's acceptable for an otherwise beaten option
to win due the the otherwise winning option being discarded due
to a quorum requirement, as John suggests might happen.

Under the proposed system, we would do exactly the same thing for otherise
winning options being discarded due to a supermajority requirement.

What makes this behavior acceptable for supermajority requirements and
unacceptable for quorum requirements?

To my knowledge, the only issue here is that other voting systems [for
example, those indicated by Roget's Rules of Order] have defined quorum
in terms of number of voters present and do not collect votes if quorum
is not met

I've not been following this thread too closely (between trying to get work done, trying to get plants into the ground, and trying to spend time with my SO, I've been too busy to pay close attention to Debian politics), but I've two questions:

1) Has anyone developed standard terminology for:
a) The proposed amendment to the Debian Constitution formally offered by Manoj
 b) The proposed amendment to (a) above as offered by John

2) Would an amendment to (a) to the following effect be acceptable and clear up nomenclature issues:

Replace A.6.2-4 in the proposed amendment with:

2.  Procedural Definitions
    a. V(A,B): For any options A and B, V(A,B) is defined as the number
        of ballots cast that rank option A higher than option B
    b. margin of A over B: The margin of A over B M(A,B) = V(A,B)-V(B,A)
        Note that M(A,B) = -M(B,A)
    c. defeats: For any options A and B, A defeats B if and
         only if M(A,B) > 0
    d.  Acceptable:  An option A other than the default option is
         considered "acceptable" if and only if M(A,default) >= R, where
         R is the "quorum requirement" for the vote.
    e. Superacceptable: An option A with a supermajority
        requirement of N:M is considered superacceptable if and only if
        M*V(A,default) > N:V(default,A).
    f.  Pairwise defeat:  A pairwise defeat is an ordered pair of
         options (A, B) where A defeats B.
    g.  "weaker" A pairwise defeat (A,B) is considered weaker than
         pairwise defeat (C,D) if V(A,B) < V(C,D)
3. Dropped options
    a. Any non-default option A which is not acceptable is dropped
    b. Any option A with a supermajority requirement which is not
        superacceptable is dropped.
4. Create a list of all pairwise defeats (A,B), where neither A nor B are dropped, sorted by V(A,B).

with related changes elsewhere to use these definition.

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