Dear Raul,

you wrote (25 May 2003):
> Markus Schulze wrote (25 May 2003):
> > I suggest that one should at first calculate the ranking of
> > the candidates according to the beat path method and then,
> > of those candidates whose beat path to the default option
> > meets the quorum, that candidate should be elected who is
> > ranked highest in the ranking of the beat path method.
> > That's the maximum that you can get without undermining
> > the intention of super-majority requirements.
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but: what Manoj's May 15 proposal
> implements logically equivalent to your suggestion?

As far as I have understood Manoj's May 15 proposal correctly,
an option is dropped unless it _directly_ defeats the default
option with the required quorum. I suggest that it should be
sufficient that this option _transitively_ defeats the default
option with the required quorum.

In Situation 1 in my last mail, the quorum is 38. According
to Manoj's May 15 proposal, candidate D is disqualified since
only 24 voters strictly prefer candidate D to candidate C.
According to my proposal, candidate D is not disqualified
since 38 voters strictly prefer candidate E to candidate C
and 42 voters strictly prefer candidate D to candidate E.

Manoj's May 15 proposal would choose candidate E. In the next
elections, when candidate E is the default option, Manoj's
May 15 proposal would choose candidate D. My proposal would
choose candidate D immediately. In my opinion, the advantage
of my proposal is that it doesn't lead to unnecessarily
frequent changes of the status quo.

Markus Schulze

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