Dear Anthony,

I wrote (25 May 2003):
>    37 ACB
>    32 BAC
>    28 CBA
>    03 CAB
>    A:B=40:60
>    A:C=69:31
>    B:C=32:68
>    Default option: A.
>    Quorum: 30.
>    B meets quorum.
>    C meets quorum.
>    Manoj's May 15 proposal would choose A.

You wrote (25 May 2003):
> C fails to reach its majority requirement and is dropped.
> B and A are the only remaining options, and B defeats A.
> B wins.

That's strange! The majority requirement makes the default
option lose. Doesn't that contradict the intention of the
majority requirement?

Markus Schulze

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