On Sun, Jan 18, 2004 at 04:57:13PM +0100, Sergey V. Spiridonov wrote:
> Raul Miller wrote:
> >>I demostrate how one can start to distribute a program, continue to 
> >>distribute a program and stop to distribute a program. All three actions 
> >>do not contradict any ethical rule.
> >>If you still think that erasing something from my hard drive (free or 
> >>non-free) is not ethical, please explain me how.
> >
> >
> >I just don't see what this has to do with having debian remove non-free.
> >
> >Sure, you can remove something from your hard drive.  That's not
> >equivalent to removing packages in unstable which are there because of
> >someone else's work.
> I understand what you are talking about. There are Debain developers who 
> want Debian to act always ethical, and there are Debian developers who 
> think it is O.K. to act non-ethical for Debian, for example because of 
> the work they contribute to non-free.


I maintain he unicorn driver, which is as non-free as it can get
(containing evil x86 binary only object file).

Please, demostrate to me how i am acting non-ethically by doing this,
and if you fail to do so, i certainly hope that you will promptly
present me excuses for this accusation of non-ethically you are making
against me. I feel that what you are doing is nothing more than
diffamation, which in itself is illegal in many countries (probably even
yours ?), and as unethical as you can get.


Sven Luther

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