Sam Johnston wrote:

This provides a clear definition of what I consider acceptable use of addresses. For the sake of brevity I have not allowed for
exceptions like use in curriculum vitaes or on software not included in
Debian as I consider them unnecessary. Free email addresses are readily
available and most developers will have alternate addresses already.
It provides a high level of protection for the Debian name and requires
minimal administrative effort.
This seems like a solution in search of a problem. Is there actually a problem with Debian developers using their email addresses to confer false legitimacy on themselves? Not to mention that it's downright unenforceable--are debian-admin going to screen everyone's incoming mail? I think they've got better things to do...

IMHO, I think there's a common-sense/netiquette "prohibition" on Debian developers using their addresses to bring disrepute onto Debian, and that seems more than sufficient to me. Where there's doubt, a simple "(Not speaking on behalf of Debian)" should suffice.


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