On Tue, 2004-01-27 at 16:28, Raul Miller wrote:
> Old:  "1. Debian Will Remain 100% Free Software"
> If we ignore the rest of the social contract, there's two distinct
> interpretations of this phrase.
> [A] Software which Debian distributes which is completely free will
> remain completely free.
> [B] Debian only distributes free software and will continue distributing
> only free software.

You are missing my interpretation:

[C] Debian is constituted by 100% Free Software. Software that is 100%
Free Software, and distributed by Debian, constitutes that which is

So non-free is actually not part of Debian, but we distribute it
nonetheless, as a service to our users. We may cease to provide such a
service. (Ignoring as you say, the rest of the Social Contract.)


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