On Tue, Mar 02, 2004 at 11:43:29AM +0100, Falk Hueffner wrote:
> Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au> writes:
> > [...]
> > Do you believe that developers should be (or are) equally willing to have
> > a dialogue with people who provide criticism consisting of suggestions
> > of alternatives, discussion of tradeoffs that can and should be made
> > and helpful bits of code, or people who accompany their complaints with
> > comments like "This FUCKING SUCKS! The maintainer must be incompetent or
> > on crack" and requests for dismissal or replacement rather than useful
> > assistance?
> If you want to make a point, that's fine, but please don't abuse
> debian-vote and "Questions for the candidates" for this, that just
> wastes everybody's time. These are no reasonable questions.

Perhaps in your opinion. But I found a number of those questions to be
one I would have wanted answered myself -- either in debian-vote or via

If you have a list of 'reasonable' questions why not just ask them?


 `` We are shaped by our thoughts, we become what we think.
 When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never
 leaves. '' -- Buddha, The Dhammapada

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