
I resist to allow my tamagotchi to dress in Branden and Martin skins,
and answer their questions too... I donot know how longer I can keep him
from doing that, though...

> I have a tamagotchi too!  He's called Foo (I have a limited imagination) Why 
> is
> your tamagotchi more suited to running the project and being world dictator
> than mine?

> How do I get inside the shopkeeper's safe so I can get that credit note?

Ask him for credit, tell him you have an income. He'll got to the safe,
and open it (write down how he pushes and pulls the lever(?), you'll
need to know that). Then tell him you want to fight the swordmaster. He
leaves, you open the safe, by pushing and pulling the lever as the
shopkeeper did, and you'll find the credit note.

> What do we spend the profit on?

We hire costume designers to design outfits for our tamagotchies.
(Keeping a tama will be mandatory. Did I forget to say so in my

> What do you see as the greatest weakness of the project?

Myself? O:)

> What new challenges do you plan to present to the project?

If elected, it will be a great challenge to the project to survive >;]

Other than that, it is s3kr1t, and I'll only tell my plans to the Cabal,
that does not exist (or so the member say). Gotta keep something to do
after the elections, right?

> Do you believe that if either Branden or Martin are elected instead of you 
> that
> you would be able to work with them to achieve the goals you outline in your
> platform[2]?

A long long time ago, on a different IRC network, there was a
#debian-bugs channel, were Master tbm and some of his minions outlined
the Great Debilan Plan.. I was one of the minions then, and I believe, I
can still work with him to achieve the goals outlined in my platform.
Questions is, do we want to achive every goal I outlined there? :)

As for Branden... To work with him, I need his Sodomotron. Yamm won't
let me speak with him otherwise *cry* :|

Gergelybrush Nagywood

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