On Mon, Mar 08, 2004 at 02:16:37PM +0100, Michael Banck wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 09, 2004 at 12:09:11AM +1100, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> > However the GR does not require that, so nobody can depend on it.
> As the implementation of an outside nonfree.org is not in the scope of
> the Debian project, the GR *cannot* require this. We will try to make
> sure it will happen though. We certainly need some people who help, so
> if you are interested, let me know.


I know you are interested in making this happen, so i would know from
you what time-ressources you are going to put into it, and if this time
you spent could not have been better spent working on free software in
debian, and in particular in trying to bring free alternatives of
packages in non-free to the point where they might obsolet the non-free
packages, and we could thus empty the non-free archive on the debian
infrastructure in a more constructive way ?

Also, i would like to know if you (or any other we you are refering to
here) are in any way related to an exterior to debian organisation or
company or whatever, which may have a vested interest in using or in any
way being associated with this external non-free.org project.


Sven Luther

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