Raul Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Are you familiar with the concept of an "ambiguous phrase"?

Sure, but the Social Contract wasn't designed to place non-free into
an ambiguous relationship with Debian, but to spell out exactly what
the relationship is.  As I read it, it's clear: we will put non-free
on our servers and support it a little, but it's not Debian.  It's not
a little Debian, it's not Debian-like, it's explicitly stated to be
not Debian.

There is no text of the social contract which applies the word Debian
to non-free under any description at all, but rather, serves to
mention both only to make as clear as possible that non-free is not
part of Debian, using those very words.

> Instead, of exercising care, I see you saying other stuff which has no
> place in a rational argument.  For example,
>    "Your dishonesty is appalling."

Sven has misrepresented me beyond the point of tolerance.  He stopped
having a rational argument at the point where he continued to tell me
what I really want or what I think even after I had told him he was


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