On Tue, Mar 09, 2004 at 02:36:49PM +0100, Michael Banck wrote:
> [-devel and -vote CCed. Please respect the Mail-Followup-To -project.
> You should really subscribe to -project, it's not that big. In any case,
> I will try read and reply to any comment]

I think this is relevant to debian-vote too, because it affects the
current GR.


> 3. The Transition to non-free.org
> This part should be independent from the choice of implementation.
> Please point out bugs here, if you find some.
> Setup of the non-free.org box should happen ASAP. Initially, all packages
> from the non-free component of the Debian archive will be transitioned
> to non-free.org and the Debian keyring will be used to authenticate
> uploads. The Debian Policy will be applied to the packages, as will the
> Developer's Reference (where applicable). 


> Another outstanding issue is the handling of the non-free.org keyring.
> We believe it should be kept synced with the debian keyring and other
> people should be added only after good consideration. Whether this
> amounts to a full-blown NM process will have to be seen.

Thanks for addressing two of the issues I raised earlier in the week.
Specifically I think it's important to note that you have proposed the
possibility of adding non-free.org maintainers who are not debian.org
maintainers. I suspect some of our users might not want to use packages
from a less trusted source. I would have concerns myself.


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