On Wed, Mar 10, 2004 at 05:29:22PM -0800, Thomas Bushnell, BSG wrote:
> Despite all that Branden has ever done, Craig Sanders just unleashed a
> stream of unacceptable noise.

Sorry, you'll have to be more specific, all that he has ever done to
Craig, or all that he has ever done for the project?

If the latter, that is well on record, both the positive and negative
aspects and I admire him for the one though I quite depise his "but I
didn't inhale" on the other.

If the former, well that is on the record too, so I say lock them in a
sound proof room together, for all our sakes.  If people want to watch
they can set up a webcam separate from Debian.

In either case I have no idea what particular 'stream of noise' you are
talking about.  Both of them unleash them regularly (and they certainly
don't have the sole licence to that), and it certainly contributes to
the lack of attention _I_ give things in most of the forums where they
do it.

If you consider cas latest actions unacceptable then instigate whatever
remedy is available to you.  I can't censure him on things I haven't seen.

> If we want to make Debian more
> attractive to whatever sort of people are turned off by rudeness and
> public verbal flogging, Branden should not be your first concern.

Branden is not my first concern when it comes to these problems, but
Craig (who may not be the leader in this field either) is not running
for DPL.  Branden just happened to put his foot in a big smelly pile
of it here while he was adjusting his posture.

My concern is that we find a DPL who is *honest* and *enthusiastic*
about the future they see for the project and who is prepared to share
that vision unabashedly with anyone who will listen.

What I'm seeing (again) from the two mainstream candidates, is that they
have their own personal reasons for wanting to be DPL, and that they are
prepared to talk up whatever other issues they think will win them
support to that end.  I don't find that very encouraging.  It provably
does not work to select a successful government, I don't see why it
should work any better for us.

Branden brought up the issue of a "Do nothing DPL" once again, in an
attempt to score a cheap political point.  In many ways, I wished to
have raised the same question myself.  But it doesn't only apply to the
incumbent.  Branden has become quite a regular at these elections (and
IIRC I even voted for him the first time around), and he also scorned
this idea -- so my questions to him would be:

a) What have you done over the last two years to fix the things your
platform says you consider important, and why will holding the title DPL
enable you to be less of a Do Nothing DPL than your predecessor (in
conjunction with yourself) may have been with respect to those things
should you ever get it?

b) How have you (or any of the rest of us for that matter) hindered the
ability of the incumbent DPL(s) in achieving these things their own way?

Frankly, the way I see it (and none of you have to agree with me), if
we do not have a candidate with a clear vision of a different and better
project in the future, then by simple definiton we *have* a Do Nothing DPL.
Sure they talk to people, do stuff for the project, and give non-specific
technical advice about non-specific technical things, but to bring back
the NM argument, you don't need to be DPL to do any of those things.

So if we are going to have a Do Nothing DPL in any case, then we might
as well have one who is honest and enthusiastic about taking it on in
that spirit until someone with a real and brilliant vision to share
comes along again.

Beware then Gergelybrush Nagywood, it is too late to nominate anyone
else, and you might be left holding the body _and_ the tama when the
coroner arrives...


(who's tempted to propose a GR on the subject of banning future self
 nominations for DPL and requiring candidates to have their nomination
 seconded by some minimum number of developers -- but not to discourage
 people like Gergely)

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