On Thu, Mar 11, 2004 at 07:24:49PM +1100, Craig Sanders wrote:
> it is not up to you to tell me HOW i may say something.
> i'll use whatever words i feel are necessary to get my point across.  if you
> don't like some of the words that i choose to employ, then tough luck - get a 
> life.


It is not up to Thomas alone to tell you how to say something, but the
Debian development as a community may choose to set certain societal
norms.  And speaking in decently and civilly can be one of them.
Thomas asked the mailing list as a whole if they thought your style of
discourse was acceptable.  A number of responsible have responded that
they thought it was not acceptable.  I will join that number.

I will also say this; when you use that kind of language, your will
fail to get your point across.  When I saw your that e-mail full of
curse words and general unpleasantness, I simply decided to delete
without bothering to read it any further, because I had better things
to do than to try to pick through that kind of nonesnse looking to see
if you had a point.  Regardless of whether or not we as a cummunity
decide to say that sort of thing is beyond the pale (and I agree with
Thomas's point that this sort of thing is exactly the kind of
behaviour that tends to cause many people --- and disproportionate
number of women --- to avoid certain on-line forums), you can not
force me to READ what you write.

And as long as you write in that kind of uncivilized manner, it will
be ultimately self-defeating, since some number of people will simply
refuse to read what you post.

                                                - Ted

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