* Colin Watson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [040428 18:25]:
> > hereby resolves:
> > 
> > 1. that the amendments to the Social Contract contained within the
> >    General Resolution "Editorial Amendments To The Social Contract"
> >    (2004 vote 003) be immediately rescinded;
> > 2. that these amendments, which have already been ratified by the Debian
> >    Project, will be reinstated effective as of September 1, 2004 without
> >    further cause for deliberation.

> While I would certainly prefer this to "further discussion", I would
> like to propose the following amendment. (Alert eyes will note that it's
> Option C from Jeroen's post yesterday; I drafted the text that forms the
> basis of that Option anyway. I talked to Jeroen, who says he's currently
> busy with real-life tasks.)
>   Points 1. and 2. above are removed and replaced with:
>   1. that the following text be appended to the first clause of the
>   Social Contract:
>     We apologize that the current state of some of our documentation and
>     kernel drivers with binary-only firmware does not live up to this
>     part of our Social Contract. While Sarge will not meet this standard
>     in those areas, we promise to rectify this in the following release.

Though I understand some advantages of this, I think it will clutter
the SC. Therefore, I would prefer to have this as clause 6 with a
title like "Our standards were not always so strict", "Freedom of
software is going to be stricter now" or similar.

>   The first clause of the Social Contract as amended will read as
>   follows:
> [...]
>     We apologize that the current state of some of our documentation and
>     kernel drivers does not live up to this part of our Social Contract.
>     While Debian 3.1 (codenamed sarge) will not meet this standard in
>     those areas, we promise to rectify this in the next full release.

These texts are slightly different.

Another annotation: This is not only valid for sarge, but also for
woody etc. So I'd like the following change ".. sarge) _and_ _before_
will ...".

> I'm looking for seconds for this amendment.

I second hereby your proposals, without or with the small changes I
proposed above (or that others are going to propose).

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