Op di, 15-11-2005 te 02:05 -0800, schreef Steve Langasek:
> On Tue, Nov 15, 2005 at 09:52:02AM +0100, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
> > Perhaps a sensible compromise between your position and Anthony's could
> > be to propose that requests of authors be honoured unless a compelling
> > reason to the contrary is presented and explained, yada yada. But I'm
> > not going to push it that far that I'll propose a second amendment to
> > that effect.
> Surely it would be better anyway to just pass a second GR if the occasion
> arises, than to employ complex and bug-prone heuristics for "compelling
> reasons".

True; the fact that it's going to be very hard to correctly define the
details of a hypothetical case like this beforehand is actually the main
reason I'm not willing to push that as an amendment.

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