On Wed, 2006-01-25 at 16:55 -0600, Graham Wilson wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 25, 2006 at 10:10:22AM +0200, Fabian Fagerholm wrote:
> > Those in favour of two separate GR's:
> > 
> >       * Read my GR proposal [0] and second it (your choice of course).
> >       * Read Nathanael's amendment proposal [1] to my proposal. A DD
> >         needs to send it as a reply to my proposal so that it becomes an
> >         officially proposed amendment (*). I will second it, and suggest
> >         others do too (again, your choice or course).
> >       * Send any other amendment proposals as replies to my proposal. I
> >         will consider seconding them as well.
> >       * After the first GR has been decided, we can consider what to say
> >         in the position statement (or choose to say nothing).
> > 
> > (*) Can I do that without cancelling my original proposal? I'm not sure.
> I don't believe there is any issue with that. Or, at least, I don't see
> why one person can't make an amendment to there own proposal and want it
> as a seperate choice one the ballot.

That would seem sensible, and I think the constitution allows for this.

In any case, since Nathanael has withdrawn his amendment proposal with
additional concerns, I won't propose it.

Fabian Fagerholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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