MJ Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Roger Leigh
>> I think that this behaviour, as well as that on other lists in the
>> recent past, is making it increasingly necessary that we introduce
>> some way of enforcing a minimum standard of decency on our lists. [...]
> You pillory[1] a man over his -private beliefs about death[2]
> to the point where he recoils from the project[3],

Not at all.  His beliefs are nothing to do with it, and never have
been.  I'm not sure where you got that from.

> don't answer off-list mail about it and then have the nerve to
> lecture about "a minimum standard of decency"? Breathtaking.

You sent me a mail during a rather long flamewar.  While I was
grateful to receive it, I haven't yet replied to it, nor to any other
public or private mail on that subject, for the past two weeks.  I
thought it would be better to let the flamewar die down.  Everything
that people wanted to say has already been said many times over, so I
didn't think there anything more constructive to be gained from
perpetuating it.

> Nevertheless, Craig Sanders's colourful rants break the lists code
> of conduct far more clearly than posting satire to -devel-announce.
> Where are the winged angels of vengence? But then, the d-d-a ban
> didn't look like it was about enforcing the list codes anyway.

It was about enforcing the list codes.  I'll ask the listmasters to
look at this as well.

Roger Leigh
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