Anton Zinoviev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Thu, Feb 09, 2006 at 01:54:27PM -0800, Thomas Bushnell BSG wrote:
>> It does prohibit some modifications which are useful.
>> Geez, reference cards.  Useful! 
> You can make reference cards but if you make more than 100 copies you
> have to accompany the reference cards with additional sheet(s) of
> paper.  The other licenses have the same limitation - you may not
> distribute the reference cards alone.  Depending on the license you
> may be required to accompany each reference card with the full text of
> the license, with history who and when has edited the document, with
> the sources in machine readable format, various copyright notices, etc.

You neglected to mention what happens about reference cards for
documentation with invariant sections.  Reference cards for Emacs and
GCC would be most useful, but AFAICT both of these manuals have
invariant sections.

>> Docstrings.  Useful!  Not prohibited by other free licenses!  Wow!
> I don't understand what you mean by "docstrings".

Did you try google?  They are documentation inlined in the source
code.  Some languages (e.g. Python (DocStrings), Perl (POD), Common
Lisp) have native support for it; other languages (C, ObjC, C++, Java)
have special tools to extract the documentation (gtk-doc, doc++,
doxygen, javadoc).

If you want an example of it, grab a copy of, and
look at the comments in schroot/*.h, then look at

Consider what happens if the documentation is extracted and
incorporated into a manual with a GFDL licence, and the source is GPL.

In other situations, we might want to incorporate parts of the manual
into the source (for tooltips, help texts, usage examples, etc..).  We
certainly couldn't do that with a GFDL manual and GPL source.


Roger Leigh
                Printing on GNU/Linux?
                Debian GNU/Linux
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