On Fri, Sep 22, 2006 at 12:33:28AM +0200, Bill Allombert wrote:
> ===============================================
>         1. reaffirms its dedication to providing a 100% free system to
> our users according to our Social Contract and the DFSG; and
>         2. encourages licensors of all works to make those works
> available not only under licenses that permit modification, but also in
> forms that make such modifications practical;
>         3. commits itself to remove firmwares without source code and
> more generally firmwares that does not meet the Debian Free Software
> Guidelines (designed below as "non-free firmwares") from the main and
> contrib section of our archive;
>         4. will make a best effort to remove as much non-free firmwares
> as time allows before our next stable release (code-named "Etch"); 
>         5. encourages its developers to work on this issue;
>         6. urges its developers not to delay or to block inclusion of
> works done toward that goal;
>         7. will allow our next release to include non-free firmwares
> in the main section if we did not manage to remove them on time, provided 
> they were also present in Sarge main section.
> ===============================================


        Bernhard R. Link

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