On Tue, 26 Sep 2006 20:50:08 +0200, Josselin Mouette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: 

> Le mardi 26 septembre 2006 à 11:15 -0500, Manoj Srivastava a écrit :
>> >   2) joselin's : we make an indefinite exception for non-free
>> >      firmware.
>> This creates an exception clause to DFSG#2, and in affect changes
>> the DFSG until we have other technical means to ship non-free
>> firmware in the future. Since it changes/clarifies/adds a rider ro
>> the DFSG, and says that shipping sourceless firmware in main would
>> not violate the DFSG because of this special exception, this does
>> need a 3:1 majority.

> I understand the argument, but I don't think this proposal really
> changes the DFSG. The wording makes it clear this is temporary -
> although indeed not limited in time - and that this is an exception,
> which doesn't change the DFSG themselves. If the proposal had been
> worded « we apologize for currently not respecting DFSG #2 for
> kernel packages, because of technical limitations », it would have
> the same effect.

        Well, I think that the social contract and the DFSG are
 straightforward, and any _exceptions_ must also pass by the same
 majority, even if the exceptions are temporary, and do not actually
 change the DFSG document itself.

> A similar case, at the limit of clarification and exception, was the
> GFDL GR, and at that time it didn't require 3:1 majority.

        The third choice, the one that changed the commonly accepted
 meaning of bits of the DFSG and tried to create an exception for the
 GFDL was indeed under 3:1 majority requirement -- just like this

> I like the idea, but it eliminates some choices for the voter. With
> this setup, it is not possible to prioritize the firmware removal
> over the release, while still considering other options
> acceptable. How would I be able to express the following:

        Since the issues are orthogonal, you could vote for "DFSG #2
 applies to all programmatic works" . There is no conflict between
 that and releasing etch, with or without special exceptions; so
 ranking vs that and releases does not seem to make sense.

The universe is laughing behind your back.
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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