An admittedly modest technical contributor to Debian,
I have not earned the right to complain often, so I
don't.  Nevertheless, I agree pretty much completely
with the words of Andreas Tille, Clint Adams and Frans
Pop; and I feel strongly that Debian's foremost problems
are cabal-oriented and social in nature.  Still, there
exist many, sometimes contradictory reasons to vote for
or against a candidate; and, this year, I find a close
four-way contest at the top of my own ballot.  My
question to all candidates who wish to respond, to
resolve the contest:

Please brag about RC bugs you have fixed since sarge's
release, excluding bugs in your own packages.  Of
interest are both the quantity and intractability of the
bugs.  If you have not fixed RC bugs but have made
another noteworthy Project-oriented technical
contribution---again not concerning your own
packages---then please speak of that, instead.

Thaddeus H. Black
508 Nellie's Cave Road
Blacksburg, Virginia 24060, USA

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