Benjamin BAYART wrote:
> > > During my discussions with DDs, I found there is currently no solution
> > 
> > This is where you are wrong. The correct way to handle this, is to be
> > part of a team, working on the tex packages and providing fixes, and if
> > there is an upload needed, a DD member of the team can make the upload.
> > 
> > This is how many of the debian teams involving non-DDs work, and is the
> > way of the future for debian, to have more team maintained package
> > groups.
> That can be part of a solution. As far as I remember, there was nothing
> like a TeX team last time I tried to bing patches to such software, but
> perhaps I did not look closely enough.

At least this is the case for the TeX Live packages included in Debian.
They even are officially maintained by:

| Maintainer: Debian TeX Maintainers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At least in case of TeX Live packages there might be a way for you
to contribute fixes directly from time to time.

> In the TeX team, or in relation with TeX team, are some great experts,
> and I do interract well with them when there is an opportunity. By the
> way, what is done now in the combination of TeXlive and Debian is very
> close to (and seem to take some ideas from) concepts I did present in a
> TUG meeting at Oxford in 2000.




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