On Sun, Jun 24, 2007 at 04:48:22PM +0200, Benjamin BAYART wrote:
> That is probably a good way to shape a young contributor begginning in
> free software contributions. I would probably have done that, 15 years
> ago. But nowadays, I'm involved in a lot of projects, some are of
> importance, at least for me. Those involvments take 99% of my time, and
> 1% is just enough to fix broken stuff in Debian, not to go through NM
> just to upload a fix or two every year.

  Point is, DM is about maintaining packages in Debian, not about random
fixes that are per proposal, forbidden. You should read the proposal
again, it's to give upload rights on a given package, after a given time
where you proved you were able to do the job.

  If you are _that_ interested in helping the TeX packaging team, join
it, I think it's co-maintained on alioth, you just need an alioth
account, it takes a few minutes to have one, and you'll have to ask the
pkg-tex people to give you commits rights, which should do what you
really want.

  DM is _not_ about giving random upload rights to people who don't want
to learn a basic minimum about the community or just do 2 fixes a year.
It's not worth the trouble.

·O·  Pierre Habouzit
··O                                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OOO                                                http://www.madism.org

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