Don Armstrong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: [...]
> Additional people to help select questions, prod the discussion
> channels, and otherwise actually make things happen are needed too.

<slef> my biggest flaw is that I'll never be elected DPL [17:02:15]

so... I'm happy to try helping with the debate again.

> Also, any suggestions on changes to the format to make things more
> useful for the voters are appreciated. [...]

Can we collected and circulate the questions for drafted responses in
advance, please?  6 minutes is quite a long wait for the replies and I
feel it penalises people who find the language difficult.  If not,
broonie suggested that there should be some warning before dropping
the pastebomb (a countdown timer?  1 minute to go... 30s to go...).

I think helpers need to be more zealous in getting follow-up questions
from the audience, in response to section 1, for use in section 2, but
that's in my own hands as much as anyone, I guess.

Reviewing my notes from last year, I think we need to be clear about
how we intend to handle withdrawn, late and/or absent candidates (such
as those involved in road accidents).  There were also some audience
comments about the "army of floodbots" so if we could do without them,
it would be good.

<slef> I want Mjollnir` as a toy [18:46:14]

(The quotes are from #debian-dpl-discuss last year and no, neither of
them are entirely serious.)

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