On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 06:54:50PM +0000, Ian Jackson wrote:
> And, just to make things personal, I submit that one of the problems
> is AJ.

Because, of course, making things personal is definitely what the
technical committee is all about, and just generally a brilliant approach
to solving problems.

> AJ says that what is needed is `new blood'.  I suspect that part of
> what he means is that he wants rid of me.

I don't think the committee would be worse off without you; and I find
it fundamentally disturbing that any of the founding members are still
members ten years later. The same's true of Manoj (though I'm not sure
if he joined when the committee was formed, or shortly after that). Even
ftpmaster has changed significantly more than that over the same time
period, for example.

I also think you're completely off the wall in many of your opinions,
including your desire to have Debian ship a different md5sum compared
to everyone else, to have further discussion about Sven's proposal for
a libstdc++ udeb, and your latest obsession with taking dpkg back over,
and I think you set an incredibly bad example in the way you deal with
conflicts. I don't have much of a problem with that, though, because the
committee is meant to be a group that makes decisions, and it's good to
have people with different opinions and approaches in a group.

It would certainly be possible to argue that you're the main problem with
the committee -- you proposed it while DPL, you've been on it for its
entire existance, and you chaired it for a good five years by my count:
at the very least, you've had more of an opportunity to ensure it's
functional than anyone else in the project, and thus are the individual
who ought to be held most responsible for its dysfunctionality.

But even if you were to not only argue that but buy into it, there's
still a structural problem that the tech ctte membership isn't answerable
to anyone else, and the project doesn't have any influence over its

The reason I didn't raise this last year was because the only reasonable
path to removing members seems to me to be oldest first, and I was pretty
sure you'd take that personally; given you're decision to hijack dpkg
over coding style preferences, I find I'm not so bothered by what you
think anymore.


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