On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 07:41:34PM +0100, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
>On 21/03/09 at 02:34 +0000, Steve McIntyre wrote:
>> >Zack wrote that no one already contributing to Debian should be
>> >authorized to pick bounties offered by Debian directly. Would you
>> >encourage a similar position for bounties offered as part of the Google
>> >Summer of Code, for example?
>> No. Who is picked in the end should depend on the terms of the scheme
>> involved and on the quality of the particular projects. In the
>> specific example of the GSoC, I'm much more interested in the
>> likelihood of the student project to succeed than in who the student
>> is.
>That's interesting, especially with your role of GSOC admin for Debian.

Yup, I remember you've complained about it in the past.

>Let's imagine that a random company contacted you (as DPL) and said:
>"I'll give you enough money to pay 10 DDs during 2 months to work on
>Debian ; you are free to choose who gets the jobs, and what people will
>work on". 

I have no interest in making such a choice. I'd rather push the
company and DDs towards each other and let them work things out that
way. We've already had a number of places where companies have hired
DDs or paid them for certain jobs that they were interested in.

>It's not totally unrealistic: it's what Google does with GSOC (except
>that they impose that those who get the job are students, and that they
>reserve the right to reject specific projects/students).

That's over-simplified to the point of being incorrect. Google ask us
as a project to rank the student applications we receive, and to tell
them how many projects we would like funding for. We specifically ask
DDs to rate the applications and we use those ratings to rank the
applications. There are already multiple admins and mentors
registered, and we would like as many DDs as possible to help us make
the decisions.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                st...@einval.com
"I suspect most samba developers are already technically insane... Of
 course, since many of them are Australians, you can't tell." -- Linus Torvalds

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