On Mon, 23 Mar 2009 16:23:06 +0000, Stephen Gran wrote:

> While the number of seconds required to start a vote should be nQ, the
> number of seconds for an amendment should mQ, where m = n/x (x > 1).  I
> think that it should be difficult to start a GR, as it's a large time
> sink for the project as a whole.  Once it's clear we're going to have a
> ballot, though, I see no reason it should be difficult to represent
> a range of opinions on the ballot.  Possibly it should be more difficult
> than it currently is, but I am not yet convinced either way.

I'm not sure either; I see your point about having a range of
opinions , but OTOH more options can also lead to more confusion, so
making them too "cheap" might be unfavourable.

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