On Sat, 21 Mar 2009, Don Armstrong wrote:
> I'm going to make suggestions for changes to both proposals here; just
> change 2*floor(Q) to floor(Q) for the second alternative. Note that
> I've switched from floor(2Q) to 2*floor(Q); this changes the majority
> requirements from 31 to 30, which is what the extended rationale said
> as an example.

Truncated wdiff output that implements this is below, diff attached.

<H3>4.2. Procedure</H3>

    <P>The Developers follow the Standard Resolution Procedure, below. A
    resolution or amendment is introduced if proposed by any Developer and
    sponsored by at least [-K-] {+2*floor(Q)+} other Developers, or if proposed 
    the Project Leader or the Technical Committee.</P>

    <P>Delaying a decision by the Project Leader or their Delegate:</P>

      <LI>If the Project Leader or their Delegate, or the Technical
      Committee, has made a decision, then Developers can override them
      by passing a resolution to do so; see s4.1(3).</LI>

      [-<LI>If such-]

      {+<LI>When+} a resolution [-is-] {+has been+} sponsored by at least 
[-2K-] {+floor(Q)+} Developers,
      or if it is proposed by the Technical Committee, the resolution puts
      the decision immediately on [-hold (provided-] {+hold, provided+} that 
resolution itself says [-so).</LI>

      <LI>If the original decision was to change a discussion period or
      a voting period, or the resolution is to override the Technical
      Committee, then only K Developers need to sponsor the resolution
      to be able to-]
      {+that it will+} put the decision [-immediately-] on [-hold.</LI>-] 
{+hold immediately.</LI>+}


    <P>Q is half of the square root of the number of current Developers.  [-K-]
    {+floor(Q)+} is [-Q-] {+the nearest integer less than+} or [-5, whichever-] 
{+equal to Q. 2*floor(Q)+} is [-the smaller.-]
    {+two times floor(Q).+} Q [-and K-] need not be [-integers-] {+an integer+} 
and [-are-] {+is+} not rounded.</P>

Don Armstrong

Religion is religion, however you wrap it, and like Quell says, a
preoccupation with the next world clearly signals an inability to cope
credibly with this one.
 -- Richard K. Morgan "Broken Angels" p65

http://www.donarmstrong.com              http://rzlab.ucr.edu
--- gr_mod_second.wml.orig	2009-03-22 17:17:38.000000000 -0700
+++ gr_mod_second.wml.new	2009-03-22 17:25:46.000000000 -0700
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
-    <P>The Developers follow the Standard Resolution Procedure, below.
-    A resolution or amendment is introduced if proposed by any
-    Developer and sponsored by at least K other Developers, or if
-    proposed by the Project Leader or the Technical Committee.</P>
+    <P>The Developers follow the Standard Resolution Procedure, below. A
+    resolution or amendment is introduced if proposed by any Developer and
+    sponsored by at least 2*floor(Q) other Developers, or if proposed by
+    the Project Leader or the Technical Committee.</P>
@@ -16,15 +16,10 @@
       Committee, has made a decision, then Developers can override them
       by passing a resolution to do so; see s4.1(3).</LI>
-      <LI>If such a resolution is sponsored by at least 2K Developers,
-      or if it is proposed by the Technical Committee, the resolution
-      puts the decision immediately on hold (provided that resolution
-      itself says so).</LI>
-      <LI>If the original decision was to change a discussion period or
-      a voting period, or the resolution is to override the Technical
-      Committee, then only K Developers need to sponsor the resolution
-      to be able to put the decision immediately on hold.</LI>
+      <LI>When a resolution has been sponsored by at least floor(Q) Developers,
+      or if it is proposed by the Technical Committee, the resolution puts
+      the decision immediately on hold, provided that resolution itself says
+      that it will put the decision on hold immediately.</LI>
       <LI>If the decision is put on hold, an immediate vote is held to
       determine whether the decision will stand until the full vote on
@@ -68,8 +63,8 @@
-    <P>Q is half of the square root of the number of current
-    Developers.  K is Q or 5, whichever is the smaller.  Q and K need not
-    be integers and are not rounded.</P>
+    <P>Q is half of the square root of the number of current Developers.
+    floor(Q) is the nearest integer less than or equal to Q. 2*floor(Q) is
+    two times floor(Q). Q need not be an integer and is not rounded.</P>

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