On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 04:49:54PM -0700, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> On 24/03/09 at 16:10 -0700, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I am hereby proposing the amendment below to the general resolution
> > entitled "Enhance requirements for General resolutions".
> > 
> > =====================================================================
> > General Resolutions are an important framework within the Debian
> > Project. While over those years, some problems have arised during the
> > discussion and/or voting of some resolutions, there is no evidence that
> > changing the number of sponsors (seconds) for GR proposals or amendments
> > will help solve those problems.  Instead, by making it harder to propose
> > general resolutions or amendments, it might make it harder to improve
> > imperfect resolutions, or to add valuable options to a ballot.
> > 
> > Therefore the Debian project reaffirms the current requirements for the
> > sponsoring (seconding) of GR proposals or amendments, and for overruling
> > of delegates.
> > =====================================================================
> Since nobody sponsored it yet, I'm amending it to fix:
> s/arised/arisen/
> s/those years/the years/

The constitution even covers such changes: A.1.:
    6. The proposer of a resolution may make changes to correct minor
       errors (for example, typographical errors or inconsistencies) or
       changes which do not alter the meaning, providing noone objects
       within 24 hours. In this case the minimum discussion period is not


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