Manoj Srivastava wrote:
On Fri, May 01 2009, Don Armstrong wrote:

On Fri, 01 May 2009, Luk Claes wrote:
A position statement is a decided on proposal that clarifies the
position of the Debian project, but does not explicitly amend a
foundation document.

So I don't really see what we should vote on unless someone
disagrees with above interpretations?
The only question resides with the effect of passing such position
statements. Without modifying foundation documents or the
constitution, they are effectively non-binding advisory statements
when operating within areas that are the remit of foundation documents
or the constitution.

Developers can ignore (or follow) such statements as they wish.

        If the statements are in contradiction of the foundation
 document (which is the case in a couple of prior situations), then are
 you saying that anything in the foundation documents can ve worked
 around by putting out a position statement, and have the developers
 proceed to ignore the foundation document on that basis?

Of course not. If a position statement contradicts a foundation document it's time to update the foundation document accordingly or drop the position statement again.

        That also begs the question: do we _have_ to follow the
 foundation documents? Or can one just issue a statement "I do not agree
 with the foundation doc" and just ignore it at will?

You do realise that a majority needs to agree with it before it turns into a position statement?

It's not because a position statement is not binding that a foundation document would also not be binding...

        if that is not the case, what value does a position statement in
 contradiction of a foundation document mean?

It would be a clear indication that the foundation document should get an update or that the postition statement should get dropped again.

        Can I just set a position statement that redefines all the owrds
 used in a  foundation doc to promote my "interpretation" of the
 foundation doc, as long as the majority of the people voting rate it
 over FD?

This is actually asking if a position statement can clarify a foundation document but put in a twisted way AFAICS...

        How binding _are_ the foundation documents?

Interesting question as you seem to be one to take the Constitution with a twisted interpretation when it fits you best in some previous occasions.

 free === does not cost more than USD 1000300.73
 distribute == transport over trains between sunday noon and monday
               morning 8:00am"
 Guidelines === something that must be followed in the ides of march

I guess this is a bad attempt at a joke?



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