Dear Anthony,

sorry for not keeping up with the answers, this campaign is very intensive !

It is interesting that your question was a kind of mini-experiment. As a
molecular biologist, I like experiments a lot. Below is the draft that I never
sent because I did not find time to add some flesh to it. Please take it as
somehing that I thought is not ready to be sent, but that reveals bits about my
state of mind before you announce the result of youre experiment.

Have a nice day,

-- Charles 

Le Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 05:19:20PM +1000, Anthony Towns a écrit :
> What's your estimate of the current number of Debian users?

Le Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 02:27:23PM +0100, Bernd Zeimetz a écrit :
> That results in a different question for me: Does Ubuntu enforce the usage of
> pocon, and should Debian do so, too?

Hi Anthony, Bernd, everybody,

I do not know if Ubuntu has Popcon switched on by default. But on the upstream
mailing lists where I am subscribed, I think that I see more Ubuntu users than
Debian users. Since it is lists about scientific software, this worries me.
What is Ubuntu giving them that Debian does not have? We do not play 3D games
at work, and use LAN cables more often than wireless. Not to mention that Debian
also provides non-free drivers for the users who need them..

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