On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 12:50 PM, Marcelo E. Magallon
<mmaga...@debian.org> wrote:
>  Simple question: How?
>  (in case it's not clear: since you seem to think it's part of
>  the DPL's responsabilities, how do you plan to attract people to
>  help with these things?)

I do not think it's part of the DPL responsibilities.  I do think that
it's something that Debian needs and that doing it with the DPL hat on
is going to make it easier, it's not a requirement (most stuff that
DPL candidates list as stuff they'd like to do, do not *require* being
DPL, but it helps)

I've stated some "hows" on my platform and on other mails during the
campaign.  There are many things that could be done, here is a small
list that could grow larger:


For bugs/package contributors:

* Have a constant contest of bug-fixer-of-the-month and
bug-reporter-of-the-month.  This means listing people and the bugs
they fixed and/or reported (I consider reporting GOOD bugs a very
important task for a good release).  If possible, give the winners of
each month some prize (t-shirt, mug, etc), if not possible, at least
list them in a hall of fame page.

* Have two separate "How to help" web pages, one for DDs and one for
non-DDs, where all teams can list the tasks that they need help with
and how to accomplish them.  Give these pages as much visibility as

For artists:

* Have some centralized place where artists can contribute their
designs and where users can get those designs to have a "cooler" look
on their Debian system.

* Give more recognition to artists that contribute to make Debian Art.
 Maybe even @debian.org address and the right to vote, to the ones
that are committed to Debian.

For documentators / translators:

* Give more recognition to the work done, as in @debian.org address
and the right to vote in elections, even if no package upload rights
are given.

For everybody:

* Make a "Debian/Rules" campaign, with web-banners (for blogs and the
like), t-shirts, and as many other merchandise as can be imagined,
aiming to replace the image that Debian is too difficult.


These are just some scattered ideas, I'm sure that many more good
ideas are floating in other people's minds, and if I'm elected I'd be
happy to apply them as well.  The important point is to really focus
on reaching out and make Debian more welcoming towards more people.


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