
        This message is an automated, unofficial publication of vote results.
 Official results shall follow, sent in by the vote taker, namely
Debian Project Secretary

        This email is just a convenience for the impatient.
 I remain, gentle folks,

    Your humble servant,
    Devotee (on behalf of Debian Project Secretary)


Starting results calculation at Tue Oct 19 10:00:39 2010

Option 1 "Welcome non-packaging contributors as project members"
Option 2 "Further Discussion"

In the following table, tally[row x][col y] represents the votes that
option x received over option y.

              1     2 
            ===   === 
Option 1          285 
Option 2     14       

Looking at row 2, column 1, Further Discussion
received 14 votes over Welcome non-packaging contributors as project members

Looking at row 1, column 2, Welcome non-packaging contributors as project 
received 285 votes over Further Discussion.

Option 1 Reached quorum: 285 > 44.7744346697979

Option 1 passes Majority.              20.357 (285/14) >= 1

  Option 1 defeats Option 2 by ( 285 -   14) =  271 votes.

The Schwartz Set contains:
         Option 1 "Welcome non-packaging contributors as project members"


The winners are:
         Option 1 "Welcome non-packaging contributors as project members"


The voters have spoken, the bastards... --unknown
DEbian VOTe EnginE
digraph Results {
 "Welcome non-packaging contributors as project members\n20.36" [ 
style="filled" , color="powderblue", shape=egg, fontcolor="NavyBlue", 
fontname="Helvetica", fontsize=10  ];
 "Welcome non-packaging contributors as project members\n20.36" -> "Further 
Discussion" [ label="271" ];
 "Further Discussion" [ style="filled" , shape=diamond, fontcolor="Red", 
fontname="Helvetica", fontsize=10  ];

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