On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 08:05:24AM +1100, Ben Finney wrote:
> Raphael Geissert <geiss...@debian.org> writes:
> > * Why do you think you need to be elected as a DPL to do what you
> > propose? 
> Given that one response to this didn't really address the question, let
> me try re-stating it:
> * What *specific* actions, requiring DPL powers, will you do as DPL? For
>   each of those specific actions, why do you think they need DPL powers?

This question is based on a number of incorrect assumptions.

First, it assumes I have a very specific plan laid out for the next
year, with what I will do on each day (or, well at least "each month").
I don't. I do have an idea of how to proceed, but bits of it are
somewhat vague still -- very much like when I start working on a new
project: I have an idea of what to do, but some of the details will have
to be mapped out as I go along. In a sense, this *is* a new project.

I know that there are a number of things that I want to do differently
from how Stefano's been doing them. I want to have a different focus. As
DPL, I want to try and motivate people to work on Debian.

Second, the DPL doesn't *have* any DPL powers that other people in
Debian don't already have themselves. Really. The only power that the
DPL does have, is the power to say "no". But why would a DPL ever want
to do that?

If you, as someone who's not the DPL, want to join a team that requires
delegation, then the DPL can either grant you that delegation (and
everyone's happy), or he can refuse that delegation (and then you'll get
a flamewar). If you, as someone who's not the DPL, want to use Debian
money to do something Debian-related (say, go do a talk, or go to a
meeting, or go represent Debian in some organization somewhere), then
the DPL can either grant you the use of that money (and then everyone's
happy), or he can decide that you don't get the money (and then
something won't happen properly).

As such, if I evaded the question, that's mainly because I think there
*isn't* a good answer to that question.

The volume of a pizza of thickness a and radius z can be described by
the following formula:

pi zz a

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