Bart Martens <> writes:
> On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 05:09:00PM -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:

>> note that free software interfaces to proprietary cloud platforms are
>> frequently used to manipulate the data in those platforms including
>> pull data *out* of those platforms.  It would be quite ironic if we
>> refused to include in the distribution the tools required to pull one's
>> data out of non-free platforms.

> An interface to facebook or to twitter or to the internet movie database
> or to websites with stock quotes may be freely redistributed but
> "requires software outside of the distribution to function".  Why do we
> make exceptions depending on how "ironic" things are ?

Because, similar to how all evil plans for taking over the world should be
run past a fifth grader first, all grand principles of ideology should be
checked for whether their actual outcomes are silly.

Russ Allbery (               <>

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