
On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 09:44:16AM +0200, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> […]
>    For the jessie release, all software that currently supports being run
>    under sysvinit should continue to support sysvinit unless there is no
>    technically feasible way to do so.  Reasonable changes to preserve
>    or improve sysvinit support should be accepted through the jessie
>    release.

The first sentence seems strong to me. There's (almost) always going to
be a technically feasible way to achieve this, given a large enough
changeset. "Reasonable changes" is right. I suggest replacing the quoted
section with something like

  For the jessie release, maintainers should not remove support for
  running under sysvinit from software which already possesses this
  support, unless it would be unreasonably difficult to preserve in the
  face of other changes the maintainer reasonably desires for jessie.
  Reasonable contributions to re-add or improve sysvinit support should
  be accepted through the jessie release.

Also, what does "currently" ("already" in my text) mean? In stable or


Iain Lane                                  [ i...@orangesquash.org.uk ]
Debian Developer                                   [ la...@debian.org ]
Ubuntu Developer                                   [ la...@ubuntu.com ]

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