+1 keep `sysvint-core` in Debian *at a reliable level*, is a wise thing to
do. For at least, 2018~2020.

On 19 October 2014 18:40, Jonas Smedegaard <d...@jones.dk> wrote:

> Quoting Nikolaus Rath (2014-10-19 20:16:37)
> > Jonas Smedegaard <d...@jones.dk> writes:
> >> Quoting David Weinehall (2014-10-19 16:13:18)
> >>> On Sun, Oct 19, 2014 at 02:28:02PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> >>> [snip]
> >>>
> >>>> The wording in my resolution comes from the TC discussion and
> >>>> specifies `at least one' or `some alternative'.  To represent that
> >>>> as `all' is IMO misleading.
> >>>>
> >>>> One important difference between `all' and `at least one' is this:
> >>>> suppose there is some init system that does not support the common
> >>>> interface you suppose in your point (2).  Saying `all' suggests
> >>>> that it is somehow the fault of the packages which deal with the
> >>>> common interface.  This point was raised in the TC discussion.
> >>>>
> >>>> Saying `all' gives the impression that every package must do work
> >>>> for each init system.  That is why my proposal's wording simply
> >>>> says that packages are forbidden from requiring `a specific' init
> >>>> system.
> >>>
> >>> OK, so packaging uselessd (thus providing another init system that
> >>> provides -- most of -- the systemd interfaces) would solve all your
> >>> worries?
> >>
> >> There are many ways to twist words, yes.
> >
> > I think this deserves a better answer.
> >
> > Do you consider uselessd to be the same init system as systemd? To me
> > this looks like a legitimate fork.
> >
> > Or are you saying that "at least one" is really meant to mean "at least
> > one not-systemd derived"?
> My concern is not systemd specifically - on the contrary I find it great
> if it brings more choice to Debian, which seems to be the status
> currently.
> My concern is also not the risk that Debian could be locked into "only
> two" or "only three" init systems - I believe we need not deal with that
> until the risk of such scenario eventually becomes realistic - if we
> then concider such scenario a concern.
> My concern now is to ensure that Debian supports more than a single init
> system.
> I sincerely hope that I made myself more clear this time, and that you
> found my response adequate and we can move on.
>  - Jonas
> --
>  * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
>  * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/
>  [x] quote me freely  [ ] ask before reusing  [ ] keep private

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