Greetings Debian developers!

As a lowly 'Troglyte' who uses Debian as a DE not as server, this appeal to the 'cloud dwellers' of Debian-Stratos might be dismissed (with disdain and prejudice) as non-technical and 'emotional'. So be it.

I have seen just about everything in my many years on this earth (born before Hiroshima was bombed). One of the biggest lessons of life is that nothing lasts for very long. So it is illogical to assume that Debian, the bastion of freedom and stability, would not eventually come to the time of its undoing. That time appears to be imminent. I predict he adoption of systemd as the one-and-only-way will transform Debian into a shadow of its former glorious self.

I came to Linux for FREEDOM and for configurability. Finally, I could have a DE exactly as I wanted it! I have had many happy years with Debian but have also been aware of subtle changes that slowly eliminated this feature, then that feature. The rate of feature-attrition has only increased over the years but things were still workable.

Then when the abomination of Gnome 3 arrived, I could see the handwriting on the wall. This was the beginning of the end. And so it appears that day is upon us.

systemd is about more than an init system. I don't want it's tentacles ANYWHERE on my system in any form. I love what this Debian user had to say:

". . . it seems the powers that be want everybody using stupid, ugly, bizarre Gnome with virusd under the hood, I'd rather take an axe to my PC first."

In a perfect world, Debian would offer not only a choice of init systems but a version completely liberated from the tyranny of systemd.

I'll be watching this carefully until Squeeze comes to EOL and then Wheezy. By that time either Debian will have corrected course and/or a viable fork will have emerged and/or another OS will have come to the forefront to fill the void. It's gonna be a real cliffhanger. I hope I live long enough to see how this sorts out.

Hopefully, the final epitaph won't be 'Debian RIP'. Or worse yet "Linux RIP". Think that couldn't happen? Think again . . .

Thanks for listening.


(a pissed off Desktop user)

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