Bas Wijnen writes ("Re: "done with consensus decisionmaking", "war", "rearguard 
battles" [was: Re: REISSUED CfV: General Resolution: Init system coupling]"):
> [stuff]

Bas, thank you very much for your support, but I'm afraid I really
have to disagree with some of what you have said:

> So let me explain how I see the situation.  I also have a personal
> opinion about systemd, but that wasn't part of my previous message and
> I've tried to keep it out of this one (but I didn't entirely succeed).
> - There are organisations (Microsoft, Apple, probably the NSA, probably
>   not Red Hat) who want to harm free software in general, or Debian in
>   particular.
> - It is likely that those who are against us try to infiltrate our
>   organisation.

These things are probably true, but I don't think they are relevant to
the current disputes.

> - Lennart and his gang are accused of being such infiltrators, trying to
>   take over the free software world by force, with the purpose of
>   harming it to the greatest extent possible.  (This is an observation
>   that this accusation exists, not a judgement on whether this is true.)

I'm afraid I think that such characterisations of systemd upstream are
absurd.  I guess it's just a measure of how bad the discourse has
become that people will take such things seriously, and think that I
believe them.

For the record, I don't think it is necessary to invoke a shadowy
conspiracy to explain what is going on.  The actions we have seen from
systemd upstream can IMO be entirely explained by undisputed facts
combined with very ordinary human frailty.

I certainly have strong feelings about some of what systemd upstream
have done.  Indeed Bas's comments later in his message cover some of
those reasons I have for being upset with systemd's promoters.

But, I don't believe that systemd folks are trying to destroy free
software, or destroy Debian.


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