On Jo, 20 nov 14, 13:23:04, Josh Triplett wrote:
> Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > [private reply on purpose, since I'm not a DD]
> [Neither am I; replying publically since your reply was actually public.]
Oh, always had the impression you are a DD :)

> -----8<-----
> The Constitution is amended as follows:
> --- constitution.txt.orig     2014-11-20 13:14:40.018610438 -0800
> +++ constitution.txt  2014-11-20 13:15:23.714844659 -0800
> @@ -301,6 +301,9 @@
>         appointment.
>      5. If the Technical Committee and the Project Leader agree they may
>         remove or replace an existing member of the Technical Committee.
> +    6. No Developer may serve on the Technical Committee for more than 4
> +       years out of any 6 year period.  A Developer's term on the
> +       Technical Committee expires if they would exceed this limit.
>    6.3. Procedure
> As a transitional measure, the terms of the current members of the Technical
> Committee shall instead expire every 6 months starting on 2015-01-01, in
> descending order of seniority; term limits then apply to them as normal.
> -----8<-----

Since I've already messed up with the private/public replies I'll just 
make one more post and then shut up.


1. hard-coding a date (any date) might provide "interesting" side 
effects, probably easier to just use the date of the adoption of the GR, 
with some grace period (e.g. one month), to allow planing for the first 

2. The above reads to me (as a non-native speaker) like it would apply 
to *all* TC members, not only those with terms longer than imposed by 
the (amended) Constitution.

Slightly more complicated, needs review from a native speaker:

    As a transitional measure, the terms of any current members of the 
    Technical Committee that exceed the limit above at the time of 
    adoption of this General Resolution shall instead expire every 6 
    months, starting one month after adoption of this General 
    Resolution, in descending order of seniority.

Kind regards,
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