On Sat, Sep 26, 2015 at 12:41:39PM +0200, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
> If you're referring to the casting vote exception in the proposal, you
> urgently need to reread ยง5.1.7 of the constitution: the DPL has a
> casting vote for GRs!

Actually, you were referring to sections (iv) and (v) of the proposal.
That does move the proposal from what I consider to be "coo coo crazy"
to "a terribly bad idea".

If an option 1 did not reach its supermajority requirements, but an
option 2 would win under the current rules, then due to condorcet under
your proposed scheme and due to the fact that we just spent over a month
to come to no result it is extremely likely that a next vote is going to
produce the same result, unless something major changes between the two
votes.  In other words, you'd condemn us to perpetual further

If option 1 did not make supermajority by a wide margin, it is possible
that its supporters will decide it's not worth getting it on the ballot
anymore, thereby resulting in option 2 being the most likely winner, in
the absense of strategic voting. But we actually do have a previous vote
outcome, so people who did not vote strategically in the previous round
due to lack of data now no longer have such a restriction. Rather than
eliminating strategic voting (as you claim you're doing), you're
actually encouraging it.

As said, I think this is a terrible idea.

It is easy to love a country that is famous for chocolate and beer

  -- Barack Obama, speaking in Brussels, Belgium, 2014-03-26

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