On Mon, Aug 08, 2016 at 09:58:45AM -0500, Don Armstrong wrote:
> On Sun, 07 Aug 2016, Micha Lenk wrote:
> > That would establishing some kind of "ex post facto" law (which by the
> > way is prohibited in many constitutions for good reasons). I really
> > don't want to leave the decision whether past messages will be
> > affected or not up to the list masters.
> This is why the GR text requires that at minimum DDs can object via GR.

I don't see how that covers Micha's concern.

DDs can always initiate a GR, so the text in GR 2016/vote_002 "which at minimum
provides sufficient time and opportunity for Debian Developers to object by GR
prior to declassification" only gives the impression that one can prevent
declassification. In fact there is no way of preventing declassification since
the outcome of a GR is unknown in advance.

I think it's plain wrong that we're now about to give a permission for
declassifying debian-private possibly against the authors' will. GR
2005/vote_002 did include "requests by the author of a post for that post not
to be published will be honored" while 2016/vote_002 does not include any means
for the original authors to prevent declassification.


Bart Martens

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