martin f krafft writes:
> Quoting "Sam Hartman", who wrote on 2019-03-25 at 13:09 Uhr -0400:
>> I've been looking at Matrix too and it seems kind of nice. There
>> already seem to be a number of channels related to Debian (or
>> gatewayed from oftc) on Matrix.
> One benefit of Matrix is that there are a lot of bridges, and the IRC
> bridge is very stable. In fact, any OFTC room is already available on
> Matrix through implicit bridging. All you have to do is join the room
> and you'll be joined bidirectionally to the
> corresponding IRC channel. Also works for other networks. Freenode is
> the one exception in that it doesn't have a leading _.

As a simple test I tried to join #debian over the bridge.  It doesn't
work out of the box as #debian need registered nicks.

Figuring out how to register a nickname on OFTC over the Matrix bridge
and having to do that before joining a channel is a pretty high barrier.

> I've been wanting to suggest Matrix for Debian since DC15, but I
> haven't because of the above, which already allows everyone to use
> Matrix who wants to, while avoiding the debate that will otherwise
> occupy us for years.
> But yeah, Matrix is the future of chat/rich-media exchange. KDE has
> recently migrated entirely. I don't expect that Debian ever will,
> which is why the bridging concept is just beautiful.

Yes, I heard about KDE, the French government and ${work} looking at
Matrix and so ended up looking at it.  The first impression was quite
good :-)

I'm not so confident about bridges though; they are far from
user-friendly.  Native rooms give a better experience.


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