I'd like to propose the following resolution.

Seconds are not required, but it would be valuable to get confirmation
that the three choices contained in this proposal are worth having on
the ballot.
So, rather than seconding the proposal it would be useful if people
would ack choices here they'd like to see on the ballot.

Amendments will require seconds as usual.

Timeline: I think that two weeks for discussion of this GR seems about
right based on what's happened in the last week.  The constitution
allows the DPL to change the discussion period by up to a week.  The
discussion period is normally reset by the proposer accepting any
amendment or making a modification to the proposal.  If an amendment is
accepted, I am likely to use that power such that the discussion period
is the longer of two weeks from when the secretary sends mail to
debian-devel-announce, or seven days past the time of the last amendment
being accepted.  In other words, if I accept an amendment in the next
week, I'm likely to keep the total discussion period at two weeks.

That said, if it looks like we need more time, I can always lengthen the
discussion period.
I do not see any circumstances under which I'd like to shorten the
voting period for this proposal.

version: d429a990a09
Changes since initial draft:

* Clarify that packages may need to handle early boot in an 
init-system-specific manner in choice 1

* Clean up wording around the requested policy change in choice 1

* Adopt Russ's option B for choice 1 at least until we get clear
  direction from that community.

* Adopt Russ's option C for choice 2.

* Adopt something similar to Russ's option D for choice 3

* Add my name to choices to make life easier on the secretary as others get 
sufficient seconds.

* Revise the title of choice 3 to avoid concerns that it is insulting
  to proponents of systemd.


Using its power under Constitution section 4.1 (5), the project issues
the following statement describing our current position on Init
systems, Init system diversity, and the use of systemd facilities.  This
statement describes the position of the project at the time it is
adopted.  That position may evolve as time passes without the need to
resort to future general resolutions.  The GR process remains
available if the project needs a decision and cannot come to a

Choice hartmans1: Affirm Init Diversity

Being able to run Debian systems with init systems other than systemd
continues to be something that the project values.  With one
exception, the Debian Project affirms the current policy on init
scripts and starting daemons (policy 9.3.2, 9.11).  Roughly, packages
should include init scripts to start services that are included.
Policy notes that early boot services like those started from
/etc/rcS.d may be tied closely to the init system in use and thus may need to 
be handled differently for each init system.  Init
scripts are the lowest common denominator across all init systems.
Packages may include support for init systems like systemd service
units in addition to init scripts.  Current policy makes it an RC bug
to include a service unit without an init script.

Policy editors are requested to amend policy; a package having a
service unit but without an init script is no longer an RC bug, but
including an init script is appropriate for a non-maintainer upload.
Policy editors are requested to consider whether there are cases where
removing an init script that used to be provided should be RC because
it would break a system on upgrade.

Once the community of users of an alternate init system have said that
a solution is sufficiently functional for them, others should not
generally second guess this determination.

systemd unit files included in the package may use any systemd feature
or service at the package maintainer's discretion, provided that this
is consistent with other Policy requirements and the normal
expectation that packages shouldn't depend on experimental or
unsupported (in Debian) features of other packages.

Init scripts must use only facilities common to all supported init
systems in Debian and therefore may not use services that depend on

Similarly, packages may freely use other systemd facilities such as
timer units, subject to the above constraints, but not also supporting
non-systemd systems is a (non-RC) bug and non-maintainer uploads to add
that support are appropriate.

systemd facilities may be used at the discretion of package
maintainers, but modification of Policy to adopt systemd facilities
instead of existing approaches is discouraged unless an equivalent
implementation of that facility is available for other init systems.

Choice hartmans2: systemd but we Support Exploring Alternatives

The Debian project recognizes that systemd service units are the
preferred configuration for describing how to start a daemon/service.
However, Debian remains an environment where developers and users can
explore and develop alternate init systems and alternatives to systemd
features.  Those interested in exploring such alternatives need to
provide the necessary development and packaging resources to do that
work.  Technologies such as elogind that facilitate exploring
alternatives while running software that depends on some systemd
interfaces remain important to Debian.  It is important that the
project support the efforts of developers working on such technologies
where there is overlap between these technologies and the rest of the
project, for example by reviewing patches and participating in
discussions in a timely manner.

Packages should include service units or init scripts to start daemons
and services.  Packages may use any systemd facility at the
package maintainer's discretion, provided that this is consistent with
other Policy requirements and the normal expectation that packages
shouldn't depend on experimental or unsupported (in Debian) features
of other packages.  Packages may include support for alternate init
systems besides systemd and may include alternatives for any
systemd-specific interfaces they use.  Maintainers use their normal
procedures for deciding which patches to include.

Debian is committed to working with derivatives that make different
choices about init systems.  As with all our interactions with
downstreams, the relevant maintainers will work with the downstreams to
figure out which changes it makes sense to fold into Debian and which
changes remain purely in the derivative.

Choice hartmans3: Focus on systemd for Init System and Other Facilities

The Debian project recognizes that systemd service units are the
preferred configuration for describing how to start a daemon/service.
Packages should include service units or init scripts to start daemons
and services.  Unless the project or relevant parties have agreed
otherwise, systemd facilities, where they exist and are stable and
supported by the systemd maintainers, should be preferred over
Debian-specific ways of solving the same problem unless the Debian
approach has clear and obvious advantages.

Providing support for multiple init systems or for alternatives to
other interfaces provided by systemd is not a project priority at this

Debian is committed to working with derivatives that make different
choices about init systems.  As with all our interactions with
downstreams, the relevant maintainers will work with the downstreams to
figure out which changes it makes sense to fold into Debian and which
changes remain purely in the derivative.

Packages may include support for alternate init systems besides
systemd.  Maintainers use their normal procedures for deciding which
patches to include.

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