On Wed, Nov 20, 2019 at 7:41 AM Ian Jackson <ijack...@chiark.greenend.org.uk>

> Hash: SHA256
> (Kurt, you can skip to "FAO KURT".)
> Dmitry Bogatov writes ("Proposal: Init Diversity"):
> > Here I formally propose following option, withdrawing any previous
> > versions.
> ...
> >       Being able to run Debian systems with init systems other than
> >       systemd continues to be value for the project. Package MUST work
> >       with pid1 != systemd, unless it was designed by upstream to work
> >       exclusively with systemd and no support for running without
> >       systemd is available.
> >
> >       Software that uses systemd features non-conditionally should be
> >       considered as designed to work exclusively with systemd, but
> >       software that does just do not provide init.d should not.  In
> >       case of doubt, explicit statement of upstream is definitive.
> I have been having an email discussion with Dmitry about this.  I find
> this final paragraph unsatisfactory because it seems like it could
> contradict the first part.  As I wrote to Dmitry:
>   So, for example, suppose I find a daemon that unconditionally
>   expects the systemd daemon startup protocol.  I write a patch to
>   make it able to work differently, with perhaps a command line option
>   or something.  I submit it upstream, who say "no we are not
>   interested, this is designed to work exclusively with systemd".  Am
>   I now to give up ?  Debian need not take my patch.
> Dmitry replied that this was not his intent, and explained his intent
> to me.  He said he would welcome a proposed amendment.  I don't have
> permission to quote his email, but I think I can capture his intent.
> For now, I propose the following amendment: <=== FAO KURT
>   Delete the 2nd paragraph of Dmitry's proposal and replace with:
>     Software is not to be considered to be designed by upstream to
>     work exclusively with systemd, merely because upstream do not
>     provide, and/or will not accept, an init script.
> I think the effect of this is:
>  * For software that merely needs an init script writing, an init
>    script MUST be provided (by the Debian maintainer, if necessary).
>  * For software that needs other patches writing, it is up to the
>    community to write patches for non-systemd support.  The maintainer
>    does not need to write them but MUST accept them if they are
>    provided, because then "support for running with systemd is
>    available".
>  * Software that is inextricably tied to systemd is permitted,
>    even though it only works with systemd as pid 1.
> Dmitry's wording is less specific than mine about what happens if
> non-systemd support patches are themselves RC-buggy but I think the
> effect is the same.  It would be unreasonable to say that "support for
> running without system is available" if the "support" is RC-buggy.
> I would appreciate it if others here would comment on my wording and
> maybe help improve it.  Dmitry's email latency means that he won't be
> able to participate in the drafting as fully as ideal, so I would like
> to make sure that he is offered the best possible wording.
> For the avoidance of doubt, I am not trying to hijack Dmitry's
> authority over his text.  Please do not second my amendment.  I am
> hoping Dmitry will accept it (or some other similar improvement).  If
> Dmitry does not accept it I will withdraw it.

For the record, I plan to second Dmitriy's amendment once he has finalized



> Ian.
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> =fWly

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