On Tue, Dec 03, 2019 at 01:31:53AM +0200, Uoti Urpala wrote:
> The relevant question now is not "should Debian support anything that
> is not systemd", but "should Debian support sysvinit". In case any
> promising systems appear in the future, decisions about them are best
> left for when it's not arguing about hypotheticals.

I know I'm going to regret wading in here -- but maybe I can help?

Uoti -- Remember when reading this rest of this message that from what I
can understand from what you've written, we will likely vote nearly the
same way on this GR. I've not hid the fact that I vastly prefer systemd
to sysvinit, and don't really care about sysv anymore (sorry not sorry?).


This is not the right place to have this discussion. I don't think
trying to hash this out here is productive, and largely isn't adding to
the substance here.

We need to have this GR **not** to rehash the last god knows how many
years since "the bug" was filed, but to provide direction to the project
on what we should be doing (on a technical level) when it comes to
supporting multiple init systems.

The options provided are to show us a way out of this mess. I don't
think trying to comapre and contrast is helpful or even relevant to this
vote at all. The technical merits are largely not in play and shouldn't
factor in to the vote too much.

Please can we stop this discussion and getting baited into talking about
the technical merits of pid 1?


 .''`.  Paul Tagliamonte <paul...@debian.org>
: :'  : Proud Debian Developer
`. `'`  4096R / FEF2 EB20 16E6 A856 B98C E820 2DCD 6B5D E858 ADF3
 `-     http://people.debian.org/~paultag

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