Jonathan Carter dijo [Thu, Mar 18, 2021 at 09:16:15PM +0200]:
> On 2021/03/18 19:46, Raphael Hertzog wrote:> I announced this on
> debian-project[1] and on Planet Debian[2] a while ago.
> > But at this point, we have only funded a single project[3], leaving us
> > with more than 25 KEUR available for further projects.
> > 
> > I did not expect this lack of interest... if I were not running Freexian,
> > I would have proposed projects out of the long list of distro-tracker
> > wishlist bugs...  I enjoy working on this project and I wish I had more
> > time for it.
> > 
> > 1/ How do you explain this lack of interest?
> I don't think that lack of interest is the problem here, but I do think
> that Debian contributors tend to be already starved for time, and trying
> to get them to do more is like trying to tap water out of an empty well.
> For some, a financial incentive might work if they're not currently
> working full time, and especially if they need money, but the median
> Debian developer seem capable of sustaining themselves reasonably well.

I might be too biased by my own reality, and that of some of my peers
with whom I have most contact, but I completely agree with Jonathan's
assessment of this point.

Debian is very large and diverse, and I know that any generalization
will underrepresent people. Maybe this would mostly apply to
long-standing DDs, or whatever. That said, I feel many areas of Debian
consist of people quite similar to myself -- Fully employed
professionals who can _spare some cycles_ for the aspects they can
contribute to the project.

In my case, fortunately my livelihood is guaranteed, and depending on
many things, I will have more or less time available for the projects
in Debian I most care about... Adding money offers to the mix won't
change the results.

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