Le jeudi 01 avril 2021 à 00:52:53+0200, Enrico Zini a écrit :
> Hello Debian Members,
> For some time, we have been having systemic issues that make GR
> discussions painful. GRs themselves shouldn't be painful, and don't need
> to be. Having a chilling effect to using GRs hurts Debian, and as a
> project we need a way to poll for consensus on project choices and
> directions more often than not.
> To overcome the current problems with GR discussions, we introduce a
> replacement weighted democratic system. The new procedure is this:
>  * A developer proposes an issue with a signed message on
>    debian-vote@lists.debian.org .
>  * Anyone can express their consent or dissent by replying to the
>    message.
>  * When the discussion eventually dies down, the Debian Secretary will
>    review all messages and pronounce the winner.
> This method makes the fair assumption that the energy spent in writing
> messages to the discussion is related to the amount of insight a person
> has on an issue, and how much they care about it. In particular:
>  * The more messages a person writes, the more the person cares, and the
>    more their opinion will be taken into account: people who only write
>    every once in a while, clearly don't think the issue is important
>    enough to deserve their real effort.
>  * The more strongly worded replies are, the more the person cares, and
>    the more their opinion will be taken into account: people who waste
>    time with long, polite, well reasoned messages, clearly didn't care
>    enough to get emotional about an issue.
>  * The longer a person keeps writing, the more the person cares, and the
>    more their opinion will be taken into account: people who give up,
>    clearly didn't care enough to make themselves heard.
> To avoid confusion, we'll maintain the same acronym as before. The new
> system will be called Debian Grandiose Reflection.
> The first GR using this scheme will concern the introduction of this
> voting scheme for the future.

I'm saddened that my proposal for a fist fight in a circular room filled
with mud got ignored.

Therefore, I ask for support for a GR that would change the GR decision
making process to have the fist fight thingy implemented.

Let's fists (or covid) decide who's right.

Pierre-Elliott Bécue
GPG: 9AE0 4D98 6400 E3B6 7528  F493 0D44 2664 1949 74E2
It's far easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them.

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