On Friday, 2 April 2021 11:09:42 PM AEDT Pierre-Elliott Bécue wrote:
> Thanks for arguing for my point: Communism was a beautiful theoretical
> idea which was implemented by humans and therefore was a miserable
> fuckup in the end.
> I still think the concept is really interesting, but I can't see a
> working implementation as soon as there are humans who would want to be
> leaders in such regimes.
> I don't see a connection with free speech here, anyway.

What a nasty disgraceful style of debating you have, Pierre.
You understood very well what I'm saying and I'm is not confirming your
point. Communism is a bad ideology that does not work (and could not work
even in theory) - that's why it should be "cancelled".
Free speech is a beautiful working practice but it is in the way of terrible
ideas and that's why they want to "cancel" free speech.

All the best,
 Dmitry Smirnov
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Hay smells different to lovers and horses.
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How Many Excess Deaths Are Due to COVID-19?
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