Holger Levsen - 06.11.21, 10:44:24 CET:
> On Fri, Nov 05, 2021 at 03:52:01PM -0700, Felix Lechner wrote:
> > It was impromptu. The mail was intentional only in the sense that I
> > hoped to find a topic to unite people. (Who likes slavery, anway?)
> obviously everybody who's not instantly supporting renaming ftpmaster
> :)

Just that a word like "master" can have one meaning, does not mean it 
cannot have another. Like for example for someone who has mastered a 
certain skill.

If we exclude every word from being spoken that could be understood in a 
way that supports slavery or racism or you name it… or even just 
questions any main stream narrative… I wonder how many words in our 
languages would still be left.

I am just a contributor, not a Debian Developer. So I would have no vote 
anyway… however… while I do agree that it is important to think about 
language and how we shape our world by using certain language patterns I 
also think one can overdo this. I regularly thought that when git 
reminded me about master git branch name on a new installation. I use 
"main" as branch name in new repositories cause I do not really care 
about the name, however… I thought again and again… whether it really 
has been necessary to annoy every git user like this on every new git 

That written there can be other good reasons to rename FTP Masters – 
whether the new name still contains "Masters" in it or not. I wonder: 
Were there even any suggestions brought up in this thread for a new 
name? That would be a good approach, I think. If you like to change 
something, provide an alternative to what is.

I thought about "Package Sorcerers" however… I would not be surprised if 
someone brings up that equally to wizards sorcerers can have a bad 
connotation. And I do not really quite like the name either. Like 
"Package Magicians" it does not pronounce all that well. And in the end 
it would be difficult why FTP Masters would be Package Magicians while the 
people who develop the packages would not be. Yet "Magicians of the 
Package Queue"… really… not.

A short name… that indeed fits well… I see that as a bit of a challenge 
and I did not see anyone providing a suggestion to that in this thread 
at least so far.


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